


Meet Dogs' Day

Ever thought about being in charge of a canine mafia, planning cat city bank robberies?

Meet Dogs’ Day, a game full of twists, turns, tricks, and FUN.

The biggest difficulty is to play only once =)

A game of twists and a lot of laughter

What's in the game?

60 cards (Standard Card Game – 63mm X 88mm) with 10 for each player
6 individual playerboards
1 Bank board
1 Prison board
102 Fortune Markers being 78 money backpacks and 24 gemstone briefcases
18 Armored Cars
1 Rulebook

GNO exclusives

Set of 6 promo cards “The Brute – Bad Motherfucker!”
Brand new marker kit with different Fortune Markers and Arms

Price: BRL 159.90

Meet and have fun with Dogs' Day

Professionals ready for action

In Dogs’ Day, players are canine mafia bosses who are teaming up to rob Meow City’s bank. For this, they recruit the best professionals for the mission.

Each mafia, defending its interests, will send one of its members to the robbery, trying to guarantee its share.

Profissionais preparados para a ação

Em Dogs’ Day, os jogadores são chefes de máfias caninas e estão se unindo para roubar o banco de Meow City. Para isso, recrutam os melhores profissionais para a missão.

Cada máfia, defendendo seus interesses, vai mandar um de seus integrantes para o assalto, tentando garantir a sua fatia.

Thief steals thief...

Robbing the city bank of Meow City is the first step, but you know how it is, there is no honor among thieves. After the bank robbery, the mafias try to rob each other, seeking advantage.

Movie Scene

The game is somewhat “cinematic”. The rounds unfold like a scene from a heist movie. The team is carefully chosen for the grand theft, steals everything they can, then it’s every man for himself and the cats against all.

Cena de Cinema

O jogo é um tanto quanto “cinematográfico”. As rodadas se desenrolam como uma cena de filmes de assalto. A equipe é escolhida com todo o cuidado para o grande roubo, rouba tudo o que pode, depois é cada um por si e os gatos contra todos.

Who doesn't have a dog...

It’s not always that the robbery will happen. The cats have infiltrated police in the canine mafias and will try to thwart the players’ plans. The Departed hunts the dogs and tries to throw them in prison.

Is the game worth it or not?

Dogs' Day é um jogo incrível. Todo mundo que gosta de jogos como Citadels, Libertalia, WarriorZ deveria dar uma olhada nele. Para mim, é o jogo com mais reviravoltas que o grande Sergio Halaban já fez, todos têm chances de vencer e saber ler os adversários é a coisa mais importante para não se dar mal e ainda atrapalhá-los.

Renato Simões

Autor de jogos

Speak up, player!

Gleyson Barbosa
Gleyson Barbosa
Gleyson Barbosa
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Jogo de efeitos sensacional, essa parte de todos roubam e depois os ladrões roubam entre si, ficou bem interessante, e claro saber roubar o local especifico no momento certo e colocar a carta certa para cena do assalto é importantíssimo. Rápido e divertido.
Thomas Thiago
Thomas Thiago
Thomas Thiago
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Jogo sensacional e muito divertido, agradou a todos aqui, muito dedo no olho e risadas, recomendo demais, fora que as referencias de filmes são ótimas e arte incrível com componentes de perfeita qualidade
Guilherme Targino
Guilherme Targino
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Divertidíssimo, a família toda adorou. O esmero com a produção é de se admirar e buscar as referências nas artes é um jogo a parte

Who is Sergio Halaban?

The most recognized board game designer in Brazil, Sergio Halaban, author of Dogs’ Day, is also the author of many other games you know and play: Quartz, Sheriff of Nottingham, Matryoshka, WAR Roman Empire, WAR Mythological Battles, Forest Enchanted… there are more than 40 games published and many to come.


How to play

About the game

Price: BRL 159.90


A game box:
60 playing cards
6 individual playerboards
1 Bank board
1 Prison board
102 Fortune Markers, 78 money backpacks and 24 gemstone suitcases
18 armored cars
1 rule book
Set of 6 promo cards “The Brute – Bad Motherfucker” (Geeks N’ Orcs Store Exclusive)
Promotional parts kit with different Fortune Markers and Arms (Exclusive to the Geeks N’ Orcs Store)